Tuesday, December 26, 2006


This must have been the worse Christmas ever, for me, as far as I can remember. I'm just a snivelling, aching, dizzy wreck with a head full of cotton wool. A wreck with ophthalmia still.

Not much of hearing left here, so until this awful, painful ear-what-ever-it-is get the *** out of my head I really shouldn't - and don't want to - socialize at all. Since I tend to scream out what I want to say - it's always nice to hear what one says - and can't hear what other people say if they don't scream back...

So the sofa it is, with the sound on very loud, and possibly, maybe a bucket or two with luxurious ice-cream...

Feeling like this I wish I at least was as unbelievably cute as the owl woolhead to the right - I'm not.

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